Reclaim mindfulness to lead effectively in the current flow

Reclaim mindfulness to lead effectively in the current flow (

Somebody needs to step up and say out loud, that we are all struggling. That we can not magically do double-duty when our teams or colleagues are pulled into the turbulence of the pandemic. There’s a sense of exhaustion, but we are not burned out. We are not depressed. We are just confused. We make promises not knowing if we could deliver. We cannot aim high. We don’t smile. Are we supposed to just wait this pandemic out while the confused-struggling-chaos within, deaden what makes us? NO.

The pandemic has dragged on, and the acute state of anguish has given way to a chronic condition of languish — Adam Grant

In this pandemic, we are not on a scale of depression to happiness. Instead, a state of stagnation and emptiness is setting in, the one Grant calls Languish. You can perpetually struggle in this state of languish or figure out a way to take control over minds. Well, at NWORX we have decided to help you take back that control.

The best way you can save the world is by focusing on how you were influencing it in the first place. It is ever more crucial to hit those states of flow, the ones that produced your best work.

First and foremost, we urge you to take a break from the perpetual view of “COVID burning through our civilization”. At some point in time we realized that the best way you can save the world is by focusing on how you were influencing it in the first place. It is ever more crucial to hit those states of flow, the ones that produced your best work.

Crucially, when you are in a state of Flow, the inner confused-struggling-chaos is suddenly held in place, as the power within you flows out in your work. Your mind dives into an ocean of ideas, still there within you, only hidden under pandemic-debris. The music begins and it keeps playing on as it rejuvenates your mental faculties to enjoy the dance of creating your life’s work. Being in flow causes everything else to fade out for a while.

At NWORX, we understand the state of flow. We distill the art of Leadership down to the contextual flow of real-world performance. We squarely orient our focus to the performance-flow of a Leader’s immediate reality. And, as we speak, we are helping many Leaders by directly solving the problems arising in every day work. It is our goal to help you come out stronger on the other side of this Pandemic, for yourself, for your team and for the world.

This article was originally published on Linkedin on May 14, 2021 by Hariraj Vijaykumar. Please find the original article here.



Hariraj Vijayakumar, Founder & CEO - NWORX

NWORX is a B2B SaaS platform used by enterprises over web and on mobile to improve the performance of their leaders and teams.